Did you ever struggle for something and had to face failure?

  Most Probably yes, most of the time it happens in life. When you are trying different things to achieve your goal. But you ever think about why failure occurs in life?

    Failures occur only when things are not compatible with each other. Failures indicate some alarming situations, which need to be done and demand your attention. Failure makes us able to think about the things which need correction. But, there are a lot of reasons behind failures. But, the basic reason for “why failure occurs in life” can be categorized in two ways.

1.         You are not created for that task

2.         Inadequate performance 

You are not created for that task  

Every person has some passion in life. Most of the time he adopts his passion as a profession. But, sometimes his profession does not pay him back in the same way as he is struggling for that. When we talk about passion then we can’t say failure happens due to lack of knowledge, expertise, lack of persistence. Because passion covers this all in the best way. 

Did you hear about Jack Ma's life failure?

Jack Ma a Chinese entrepreneur who had to face failure many times after university graduation. He applied for 30 different jobs but he was rejected from all even from KFC. He applied at ‘Harvard business school’ ten times but every time he was rejected. His life failure made him able to think out of the box. He adopted new ways that brought him where he is today. He was created for more than what he was expecting from his life. Now, he is considered one of the billionaires in the world. Failure happens in Jack Ma’s life because he was created for something big.

  Do you know? Peter Thiel before creating PayPal wanted to practice law. He appeared in an interview for a Supreme court clerkship. But, he had to face failure in the last phase of the interview. If he got select in the interview. He might settle there for life. But, after failure, he decided to create PayPal. In 2004, when he had a visit to his law college friend’s home. He said, “so, Peter are you not glad you didn’t get that clerkship”. Some failure happens in life just to realize us to think about the door we are not looking at.

  Inadequate performance

 When your performance is not up to the mark, then there is a lot of reason behind it. Which can be categorized as below  

Failure, failure leads to success

Poor self-esteem

 Poor self-esteem means when you are not sure about your own abilities/self. Self-esteem further can be categorized in behavior, beauty, beliefs, emotions. Poor self-esteem act as a hurdle in the way of progress. When you have poor self-esteem means you need to work on it. Then high self-esteem keeps you motivated about your goals. It will bring your positive and assertive attitude. Things become easier when you have positive thinking.

Lack of persistence

‘‘Talent is nothing without persistence.’’ ~ Dean Crawford

Sometimes we quit very soon after failure.  It is very important to stick to your objectives when you are sure about what you want to do. Persistence shows your behavior toward your goals. Do you remember? Thomas Edison failed thousands of times while inventing the bulb. But, his persistent behavior brought him to success.  Because he was fully confident at what he wanted to achieve.


 Fear can be physical and psychological in nature. Fear is associated with our emotions and desires. When we have desires then fear is also there. But, both fears make us paralyzed, coward. When you have some physical fear then it happens due to a lack of knowledge. If you have fear of swimming. It can be overcome by proper knowledge of ‘how to swim’. But, psychological fear is magnetic. It increases with age, when you have more responsibilities then you will have more fears. Psychological there are two best ways to tackle fears are

1.         Exposure therapy

2.         Cognitive-behavior therapy

      To achieve success and life goals it’s important to be fearless. when you are fearless then it means you have high self-esteem and confidence to put your thoughts into action. If you know how to deal with your fear, then your journey to success would be easy. You will be more determined and focused on your goals.

Dismissal of past mistakes

 Persistence does nothing if you do not learn from your past mistakes.  Failure happens when you ignore your past mistakes. The best revenge for failure is to put it down then never repeat it again. Anybody can make mistakes but a wise man doesn’t repeat mistakes again.

Lack of discipline 

 “You have a choice in life: you can either pay the price of discipline or regret”   ~ Tim Connor 

 Lack of discipline associated with fear, low self-esteem, lack of priority, lack of goals. Lack of discipline leads to frustration, anxiety, depression. Man doesn’t born with self-discipline. He has to learn ‘how to be disciplined?’ There is nothing in this world you can achieve without any sacrifice. If you want to achieve your goals, then do you know what you have to sacrifice for it?   Of course, that sacrifice is self-discipline. Self-discipline is self-love. Your life discipline shows your passion for your goals. When you disciplined you will move towards a better life. But, due to a lack of discipline, you can’t change your life.

Fatalistic attitude

  They have a strong belief in destiny. They think like a man is powerless to change his destiny. They believe as luck matters more than hard work. But, they forget “luck help those who help themselves”. A fatalistic attitude is the nature of a weak-minded person. It takes away from our responsibilities. They don’t have enough guts to make sacrifices for their goals. So, they release their frustration by believing in luck and faith. A fatalistic attitude is associated with low self-esteem, lack of courage, lack of discipline.